Room Reservations



SASC Rooms

English      Capacity size:

2617           30 persons

2623           15-20 persons

2635           30-40 persons


Writing       Capacity size:

1432          30-40 persons


Linguistics  Capacity size:

3519          10-15 persons

3605          30-35 persons


Philosophy   Capacity size:

5617           40 persons

5705           15-20 persons


SASC         Capacity size:

3432A*        1 person

*Note that this room is single-person only


Making Your Reservation

  1. Click on the link next to each room to determine if the room is available at the desired date and time.

  2. Submit your request to to request a reservation.

  3. Rooms are department-specific. If there are no rooms available in your department, we will ask the head of another department for permission to book one of their rooms at the desired time. However, availability of rooms is not guaranteed.

  4. If a key is needed for the room, please come to either 3432. If your event starts earlier than 9:00 A.M., after 4:00 P.M., or takes place on a weekend, you must email to arrange to pick up keys in advance. 

  5. Leave the room as you found it, clean up your trash if any, and close all the windows and lock the doors before vacating the room. 

  6. Keys must be returned by the next business day after your event either in person or in the drop box outside 3431.

Another option for making one-time room reservations is requesting a room through the Office of the Registrar.


DSP Reservations

SASC is not the primary contact for reservations for DSP exams. Please request a room from DSP when you submit your Proctor Request as indicated here.